Paul Taylor, a London-based self-taught designer, commenced his design journey in 2016. Over the past few years, he has been actively exploring digital software as a means to express his creativity in innovatory ways. Raised in an artistic family where art, music, and fashion played integral roles, he was immersed in a creative environment from a young age. Frequent visits to museums and culturally rich cities exposed him to diverse cultures early on, greatly influencing his creative inspiration.
Although he pursued various career paths, his true passion always resided in the realm of art, particularly fuelling his enthusiasm for graphic design. He remains dedicated to seeking innovation and fresh avenues for showcasing his creativity, resulting in an ongoing cycle of evolving styles.
He initiated his journey under the alias Vehzuh, believing it offered him a platform to express his skills without being influenced by those who knew him closely. Over the years, he has evolved into a self-assured designer. Today, he has embraced his true identity, merging the duality of his artistic styles to bring forth an exciting and novel approach to graphic design.

~ Paul T.

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